Madam Dorcas, Chairlady - Kenya
"We started as a small group but now we've grown not just in numbers, but also as individuals. Our members are able to support their families and supplement the income they get from farming. To everyone that buys these baskets, we say Asante sana sana (Thank you so so much)."
Collection made by the cooperative: Linear Fusion

Peninah, Chairlady - Kenya
"The basket you are holding is made with love (laughter) My fellow weavers and I appreciate the opportunity of making these baskets and bags. Thank You."
Collection made by the cooperative: The Shopper
Mbeti, Chairlady - Kenya
"We've grown to rely on basket weaving to sustain our lives, we say a big thank you for enabling that. We greatly appreciate."
Collections made by the cooperative: The Laundry Basket & The Basket Room x Jigsaw
Asabila, Cooperative Manager - Ghana
"We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to the customers who buy our bolga baskets, which create employment for our women in Ghana. We say thank you and we wish to continue to do business with you next year."
Collections made by the cooperative: Bike Baskets & Rectangular Storage Baskets
We thank you for believing in these values too and supporting us this year. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a magical New Year!
Camilla, Holly, Kieru and Miri