Father's Day is celebrated worldwide, often at different times of the year, but the focus of celebration is still about honouring our Father's and Fatherhood. Now over 100 years old, the first observance of Father's Day was held on 5th July, 1908 in Fairmont, West Virginia. Grace Golden Clayton was mourning the loss of her Father, when in December 1907, the Monongah Mining Disaster in nearby Monongah killed 361 men, 250 of them were Fathers, leaving around a thousand fatherless children. Clayton suggested her pastor Robert Thomas Webb to honor all those fathers.
Today we still mark Father's Day in many ways, each culture different to the next, but what we all have in common is gratitude for our father's, for their teachings, guidance and love. Whether you say this with a simple card, a hug, a shared meal or a gift, it's a special day of thanks.
Use code FATHERSDAY for 10% off our Father's Day Basket Collection
Offer expires Thursday 18th June, only valid for baskets in this collection.