Chez The Basket Room, vous trouverez de magnifiques paniers, sacs et accessoires tissés à la main. Fabriquées à la main par des coopératives de femmes en Afrique, nos collections tissées colorées inspirent la créativité avec leurs motifs artisanaux et leurs designs organiques. Avec la durabilité au cœur de tout ce que nous faisons, nos paniers tissés africains sont respectueux de la planète et bons pour l'âme. Ils offrent des opportunités aux tisserands des zones rurales tout en apportant une couleur contemporaine à chaque coin de la maison.

Qui nous sommes

The Basket Room est une marque de décoration d'intérieur éthique inspirée par la mode, la créativité et la durabilité. Une marque engagée à autonomiser les femmes des zones rurales d'Afrique tout en apportant des produits créés consciemment aux espaces de vie modernes et aux maisons contemporaines. C'est une entreprise qui est en création depuis près d'une décennie, et tout a commencé par un road trip de l'Afrique du Sud à Nairobi.

Holly McMullen, PDG de The Basket Room, s'est lancée dans son voyage vers les textiles africains éthiques alors qu'elle parcourait le continent avec son père en 2006. Six ans plus tard, alors qu'elle étudiait le design de mode, elle a rencontré la co-fondatrice Camilla Sutton, et l'idée de The Basket Room était né.

Aujourd'hui, The Basket Room est le foyer des paniers tissés africains au Royaume-Uni. Nos collections inspirent les designers d'intérieur et les ménagères du monde entier ; notre engagement envers la durabilité fait de nous un leader dans les accessoires pour la maison éthiques.



Co-Founder & Creative Director

Holly studied Fashion at University, specialising in sustainable and ethical clothing. Her journey exploring ethical crafts began with a trip through East Africa in 2006 and influenced Holly to title her dissertation: 'The Effects of Globalisation on The African Fashion & Textile Industry'.

Excited about craft, design, moodboards, styling and new projects, Holly heads up our Retail & Marketing whilst overseeing all areas of the business.

Mother to her little son Aubrey, Holly loves spending time with her family and going on country walks, taking hot baths, practising yoga and travelling.


Wholesale Manager

Anna joined The Basket Room way back in 2017 when we were working out of our small office in Charlbury.

If you're one of our 150+ retailers all over the world you'll already be acquainted with Anna who is our Wholesale Manager, based at our Oxfordshire HQ. 

⁠Anna is a committed Francophile; she studied French and sociology at university and then moved to France for a few years where she met her partner. Together they have two children, and when she's not keeping busy with baskets Anna loves cooking, travelling and reading. ⁠


Production Manager - Kenya

Peris has been with The Basket Room since 2018; she’s based in Kenya where she manages basket production both in Kenya and Ghana. Her little boy Theo was born in 2020 and daughter Thelma in 2022.

Both of Peris’ grandmothers were weavers and she grew up being taught the craft by them. When a job opening came up with us, Peris was working in engineering - she has a degree in mechatronic engineering - but wanted to leave the industry. She was compelled by the thought of getting back in touch with the craft and her grandmothers’ roots - and the rest is history!


Production Coordinator - Kenya

Tabz came on board in Spring of 2022 to cover Maternity Leave and has happily stayed on as Production Coordinator! Communicating with all our partner weaving groups Tabz ensures that our baskets are made on time and to the correct specifications. She supports the groups and helps to resolve production issues. Her favourite part of the job is spending time with the weavers in rural Kenya. She traveled to Paris in Jan 2023 to support us at Maison et Objet Trade Show.

Tabz loves to travel, read books and go hiking with her friends.


Wholesale Administrator

Kirstie joined The Basket Room in June 2023, and works closely with Anna, assisting with wholesale orders and admin.Kirstie grew up in Oxfordshire and met her husband whilst they were still at school together. They enjoy spending time with their friends, especially their annual Halloween parties, and any party where they have to dress up!Outside of work Kirstie is a serial reader, getting through several books a month. As a previous cake decorator, she still enjoys baking and decorating cakes with her son Freddie. And currently has another bun in the oven!


Fulfilment & Customer Service Coordinator

Leilah joined The Basket Room in Spring 2022 and works at our HQ overseeing customer service and retail orders. She also assists on product shoots, and can be found hidden in the corner of the stock room tidying up!

During lockdown Leilah taught herself the art of acrylic nails; she then went on to study beauty therapy ofr a year and plans to start her own business one day! She loves to spend time with her family and is known to attend a festival or two!


Production Fulfilment Assistant

Gina joined the Basket Room in August of 2023, and is getting stuck in with Retail and the occasional Wholesale order. Outside of work she loves to crochet and is a serial hobby hopper; joining the team has ignited a new love for foraging and basket weaving! She is currently studying an English Literature Masters at the University of Surrey, and spends the majority of her commute to work and university catching up on her reading!


Portait & Product Photographer - Kenya

Marvin is a fashion and product photographer based in Nairobi, Kenya. He takes pride in documenting African cultures and traditions. We have been a client of Marvin's since 2017, he describes our working partnership as "A really beautiful journey that has added value to my craft and experience as a product and campaign photographer."